If you’re still using dry blast equipment and PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), now is the time to re-think your surface prep and finishing processes and choose wet blasting over dry blasting.
1-Enhance worker safety.
No need for PPE. Eliminate airborne dust and the health risks associated with dust inhalation.
2-Eliminate dust collectors and the risk of dust ignition.
Fine airborne particulate, like aluminum dust, is extremely flammable and has caused catastrophic explosions.(1)
3-Eliminate massive, expensive exhaust systems and ducts.
Unlike dry blasting, closed loop wet slurry systems can recycle media, separate oil, and filter waste for clean, sustainable disposal. A well-designed wet blast system should include built-in HEPA demisters, within the base footprint.
4-Save space and create a more efficient workflow
on your factory floor.
With no dust, no chemical exposure and low noise, our systems can be placed near sensitive equipment and environments.
5-Eliminate embedded media and contaminants.
Reduce process steps and preserve the integrity of your product or part.
6-Reduce media consumption.
When you switch from dry blasting to the Wet Tech Process, you can see an immediate savings in media consumption and expense by 50% or more.

Bring us your most challenging surface finishing problem. We’ll work with you to reduce process steps, create a safer production environment, and improve the surface characteristics of your part or product.
We’ll design and build the entire closed-loop wet slurry system, integrate it with your pre- and post-processes, and train your operators. Wet Technologies is a United States UL Certified Panel Shop with decades of experience engineering the best robotic and automated systems for new and remanufactured parts. We also have manual blasting cabinets in stock, available immediately or customized for your specific needs.
(1) https://dustsafetyscience.com/combustible-metal-dust-explosions/